
2023年10月21日—UsingRPCS3(thePS3emulator)andArcadia,youcannowplayBattlefield1943onPC-withonlinemultiplayeronofficialservers.Youareable ...,,2022年10月3日—Yes,butwoulditnotbeagoodSteamgamejustforwhatisandhowitplays?ItsalsosurprisingthatisnotintheMicrosoftstoreeither, ...,2017年12月30日—Battlefield1943aimstobea1.1recreationofthePS3/360consoleexclusiveBattlefieldgame.Thegameplaywillbearcadeorient...

Battlefield 1943 multiplayer on PC via RPCS3 + Arcadia ...

2023年10月21日 — Using RPCS3 (the PS3 emulator) and Arcadia, you can now play Battlefield 1943 on PC - with online multiplayer on official servers. You are able ...

Battlefield 1943 on Steam?

2022年10月3日 — Yes, but would it not be a good Steam game just for what is and how it plays? Its also surprising that is not in the Microsoft store either, ...

Battlefield 1943 v1.0 file

2017年12月30日 — Battlefield 1943 aims to be a 1.1 recreation of the PS3/360 console exclusive Battlefield game. The gameplay will be arcade oriented and a focus will be on ...

Can you play BF 1943 on pc?

2021年12月4日 — Nope. They had plans to release it on PC but pulled the pin during development. You could look into using an emulator but I'm not sure you'd be ...

You can finally play Battlefield 1943 on PC thanks to this ...

2018年1月14日 — The Battlefield 1943 mod for Battlefield 2 aims to recreate the original as closely as possible, with the same vehicles, weapons and maps. Each ...

《戰地風雲1943》家用遊樂器版本6 月上市電腦版本9 月登場

知名作品《戰地風雲》系列新作《戰地風雲1943》採用Frostbite 遊戲引擎開發,將呈現會因為戰鬥而遭破壞的環境對應效果;玩家將重返二次大戰戰場,遊戲地圖 ...


PlayStation 3版以及Xbox360版已在2009年7月上市,而電腦版推遲到2011年2月後宣佈取消開發。戰地風雲1943是透過Xbox Live Arcade(XBLA)以及PlayStation Network(PSN)方式 ...

購買Battlefield 1943

(輔導級) 戰地風雲1943是一款多人連線的遊戲,時間地點是在2次世界大戰的太平洋的戰役!選擇你的單位- 步兵、坦克指揮官還是在空中進行纏鬥的精英飛行駕駛。